(formerly Anglo Platinum Limited)
Registration number 1946/022452/06
Share code: AMS
ISIN: ZAE000013181
(“the Company” or “the Group”))
Anglo American Platinum Limited is currently finalising its results for the year ended 31 December 2011 ("the period"), which will be released on SENS on or about 13 February 2012.
Following the achievement of headline earnings per share (“HEPS”)of 1,935 cents reported for the year ended 31 December 2010 (“the comparative period”), the HEPS for the period is expected to decrease by between 24% and 34%.
The expected decrease in HEPS is primarily as a result of the impact of the once-off accounting charge for the broad-based community development transaction (R1.07 billion). HEPS for the period has also been adversely affected by the high number of safety stoppages resulting in lower production, as well as high industry cost inflation, particularly for labour and electricity.
In addition to the drivers of the reduction in HEPS mentioned above, basic earnings for the comparative period included the once-off R4.4 billion gain on the listing of Royal Bafokeng Platinum Limited as well as a R0.8 billion profit on the sale of the Group’s investment in the Western Bushveld joint venture. The resultant impact is that basic earnings per share for the period is expected to be between 60% and 70% lower than the basic earnings per share of 3,909 cents for the comparative period.
The financial information on which this trading statement is basedhas not been reviewed and reported on by the Company’s external auditors.