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Anglo Platinum launches Market Development and Beneficiation Strategy

23 July, 2009

Anglo Platinum is pleased to announce its market development and beneficiation strategy in partnership with government, fabricators and key customers. The strategy will see the establishment of the R100 million development fund towards local market development and innovation.

"This strategy reaffirms our commitment to the objectives of the national beneficiation strategy. We believe that our understanding of the fundamentals of the Platinum Group Metals (PGM) market and our strong relationships with fabricators and key customers affords us an opportune position to promote new opportunities for investment through support, facilitation and if required investment in new PGM product research," said Mary Jane Morifi, Executive Head: Corporate Affairs.

The company has made beneficiation a core element of its business strategy. It is envisaged that this strategy will facilitate the development of sustainable partnerships with government and fabricators to ensure that the country’s research and development capability continues to be enhanced and further supported in the PGM fields. "We will continue with metal financing schemes to enable local manufacturing capacity and we hope that this fund will catalyse the development of new product technologies and facilitate the growth of local enterprises."

"We will continue to strengthen our relationship with all relevant government departments and key stakeholders and work together to ensure that we drive demand and facilitate the development of viable businesses in the PGM sector." Morifi concluded.

Issued by:

Mary Jane Morifi
Corporate Affairs Department
083 270 1784 or 011 373 6638