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Anglo Platinum Responds to Resettlement Allegations

25 March, 2008

Anglo Platinum is aware of the serious allegations contained in the BBC Radio Report, "Mining forces out thousands in SA" and the ActionAid Report "Precious Metal the Impact of Anglo Platinum on poor communities in Limpopo, South Africa".

The reports contain numerous errors in addition to inflammatory statements. Anglo Platinum’s relocation of communities in the Mogalakwena district have resulted from consultations and negotiations that span the period 1998 to 2008. During that period 2 separate relocations were embarked upon, the first of which commenced during the transition of democracy in SA when relocations were extremely politically charged. In the first relocation which was extremely complex 706 families from the Ga-Pila community were resettled by 2003. Some 140 members of the 7000 strong community still remain on the original site despite having previously agreed to move and new houses built for them in the new Ga-Pila village. The second relocation of the Motlhotlo community which commenced in mid 2007 and is still currently in progress has already seen some 8000 members of the 10 000 strong communities of Ga-Puka and Ga-Sekhaolelo resettled on the basis of freely given agreement in the new Motlhotlo village. The BBC and ActionAid reports have grouped both relocations and interviewed only those with a negative stance. Both the communities of the new Ga-Pila and Motlhotlo villages are being provided with treated underground water by the Municipality of Mogalakwena. Neither the BBC nor ActionAid visited the new Motlhotlo village constructed by Anglo Platinum and are therefore unable to present a balanced case for the negotiated resettlements.

Anglo Platinum takes these allegations extremely seriously and will attempt to correct all factual inaccuracies with its stakeholders and will present such facts to the BBC and ActionAid. Anglo Platinum welcomes the Human Rights Commission’s undertaking to fully investigate the validity of the ActionAid allegations which were formally submitted to the Commission today. Anglo Platinum provides some facts associated with the allegations below.

  • Allegation : "Thousands of poor people in rural areas have lost agricultural land"
    Fact : "Prior to resettlement (Ga-Pila) 553 hectares of agricultural land, post resettlement 828 hectares of agricultural land
    Prior to resettlement (Motlhotlo) 3 850 hectares of agricultural land, post resettlement 8 802 hectares of agricultural land
  • Allegation : "Resettled people received little compensation"
    Fact : "Each family was resettled to a modern brick dwelling approved by that family of an equal or greater size than they previously occupied. In addition a cash allowance to assist with incidental resettlement expenses was also provided.
  • Allegation : "Expanding platinum production has resulted in a wave of open pit mines in South Africa."
    Fact : " Mogalakwena Platinum Mine is Anglo Platinum’s only open pit operation and accounts for some 10% of annual production.

Anglo Platinum is committed to promoting, protecting and defending the human rights of all its stakeholders.

For further information please contact

Mary-Jane Morifi
Executive Head : Corporate Affairs
Anglo Platinum
011 373 6325

Edward Bickham
Executive Vice President : External Affairs
Anglo American plc
+44 208 563 1614 / +44 7760 197381