The management of Anglo Platinum wishes to announce that it has reached agreement with the government on the granting of certain mineral leases.
Anglo Platinum and the Department of Minerals and Energy have recently held discussions on the Joint Venture Agreement previously entered into between Anglo Platinum and the former Lebowa state and others, which gave Anglo Platinum the right to mine the Platinum Group Metals (PGMs) on a number of farms in the Northern Province.
Anglo Platinum and the Department have agreed that the Joint Venture Agreement referred to above will be cancelled and the Minister will grant Anglo Platinum mineral leases on certain farms. These leases will be for a period of 25 years and be renewable for a further 25-year period.
The agreement secures for Anglo Platinum the mineral resource required for its production and expansions on the Eastern Limb for the foreseeable future.
Anglo Platinum will continue with its efforts to promote Black Economic Empowerment in the Platinum Group Metals Industry.
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