Anglo American Platinum announces the sale of its Rustenburg Operations (“the Transaction”) to Sibanye Rustenburg Platinum Mines Proprietary Limited (“Sibanye”) is now unconditional. This follows, amongst other things, the granting of consent in terms of section 11 of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act for the sale of the Rustenburg Operations Mining Right and Prospecting Right to Sibanye.
As a result, the Transaction will complete on 1 November 2016, when Sibanye will take over ownership, control and management of the Rustenburg Operations in accordance with the Transaction agreements.
For reference, Anglo American Platinum’s shareholders are referred to the announcement released on 9 September 2015 announcing the agreement of the Transaction; the announcement released on 18 January 2016 confirming that Sibanye shareholders had approved the acquisition of the Rustenburg Operations; and the announcement released on 17 March 2016 confirming that the Transaction was approved by the Competition Authorities in accordance with the Competition Act.
Anglo American Platinum will further update the market upon completion of the Transaction.
19 October 2016
RAND MERCHANT BANK (A division of FirstRand Bank Limited).